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Quote from Adam in The Lasagna You Deserve

Adam: Petty criminal or not, Helen's a fixture here. She used to slip me extra pizza when I got anxious in kindergarten. Sure, they were lousy corner pieces, but once in a while, a pepperoni would find its way on top. So, if you could, just please give her whatever number chance this would be.
Principal Ball: That was a very impassioned defense of her character, despite all the evidence to the contrary.
Adam: I try to see the good in people.
Principal Ball: As head of a Quaker school, I guess that's something we should all strive for. Helen, welcome back.
Adam: We did it!
Helen: Not so fast. I'd like a raise.
Principal Ball: No!
Helen: Whatever. I'll get mine.
Adam: Still kind of a win.

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