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Quote from Geoff in The Lasagna You Deserve

Barry: [enters] Ugh! The worst day ever!
Geoff: I'm listening, Bar. Tell your amigo Geoff what's wrong.
Barry: Nobody signed my petition to make nunchucking an Olympic sport! Now I'll have to win gold at something dumb, like swimming.
Geoff: So nobody signed your petition, and now your only Olympic hope is dumb swimming.
Barry: You get it. [exhales] My dismay is subsiding 'cause I feel super heard right now.
Geoff: Maybe this will also help.
Barry: "Hang in There!"?
Geoff: I saw it and thought of you.
Barry: 'Cause I'm like the jacked kitten whose perseverance will inevitably be rewarded! Thanks, Geoff! You're a great friend. [chuckles]
Geoff: And that's how it's done.

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