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Quote from Murray in Bevy's Big Murder Mystery Party

Adam: You are all about to embark on a two-hour grand mystery full of scripted twists and turns, ending in... murder! [all exclaim] Your weapons are served.
Murray: Speaking of, did, uh, Bill kill me yet?
Beverly: Murray!
Murray: I'm sorry. Has Dr. Prune killed me?
Beverly: No, you just blew the ending!
Murray: Well, maybe nobody heard me.
Essie Karp: I've heard every sound that's come out of your body tonight.
Adam: It's okay. We still don't know where Dr. Prune killed him or with what.
Murray: There ya go. We'll just forget the basement and pick a new spot.
Adam: Stop talking!
Murray: Yeah, don't even need to use the ice skate.
Beverly: Oh, my God!
Virginia Kremp: So it was Dr. Prune in the basement with the ice skate. Well, that was a fun evening. Can I drop anyone off?

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