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Quote from Pops in Bevy's Big Murder Mystery Party

Pops: I want to thank you for this lovely spread of loose jelly beans and sink water.
Erica: Hey, you're my number-one grandpa. And I need your help choosing a college major.
Pops: Honey, I get it. It's a big decision. Maybe art history?
Erica: Damn it! Why was that so easy for stupid Barry? He gets to be a doctor who makes a crap-ton of money and drives a convertible with vanity plates that say "Dr. Big Tasty."
Pops: You shouldn't compare yourself to Barry. You two are very different!
Erica: Yeah, he's gonna live in an apartment over the park while I'm stuck in an equally luxurious place because my husband's a doctor, but it's not the same.
Pops: Look, hon, you can do anything you want if you put your mind to it. Maybe art history?
Erica: You're right. I could totally be a doctor, too.
Pops: But until this moment, you never once expressed an interest in medicine.
Erica: Oh, thank you, Pops.
Pops: It might be time to stop emotionally investing in my grandchildren.

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