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Quote from Erica in Bill's Wedding

Adam: Brea can't come to the wedding. She's going to her grandma's 70th in Hartford. Should I be worried?
Erica: Hot dog, yes! Very worried.
Adam: I thought you were gonna gently reassure me I was being crazy.
Erica: Do you know anything about senior birthdays in Connecticut? Super sexy. That's why it's called the Romance State.
Adam: I think it's the Nutmeg State.
Erica: You're thinking, but I'm knowing. Once you cross state lines, anything goes.
Adam: But they're just going to the Holiday Inn.
Erica: Ouch.
Barry: They have pools.
Erica: Pools have boys.
Barry: Boys meet Brea.
Erica: Brea go bye-bye.
Barry: Bye-bye.
Adam: Oh, God! There is a pool! And a free New York Times every morning!
Erica: That's what I'm saying. They really know how to set a table for love.

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