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The Quote

Quote from Geoff in Geoff the Pleaser

Naked Rob: And you need to come over. Our clean-up skills are not strong.
Barry: I spilled a lot of Kool-Aid. Whatever you picture a lot is, like, way more.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] He mumbled and he moron-ed.
Geoff: [mumbles]
Barry: What?
Geoff: And also leave me alone, morons!
Matt: Super un-Geoff of you, man.
Erica: Are you going to get my mail or not?
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Finally, it was time for the pants.
Barry: Oh. It's about time he's swinging into action. [zipper opens] What?
Andy: No!
Naked Rob: Bad Geoff!
Matt: He's not wearing pants. Dude's clearly not going anywhere.
Andy: Okay, let's go, guys. Maybe there's a panted savior that can help us.
Geoff: Holy crap. My pants are on the floor, and my spirits are through the roof.

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