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Quote from Barry in Geoff the Pleaser

Geoff: What's going on? I got your message about an emergency.
Barry: It's a friend emergency.
Erica: And boyfriend.
Geoff: Oh, my God. Did someone break in here and clean the place?
Barry: No. You were right. We were being lazy and selfish.
Andy: Look.
Geoff: Chore wheel.
Matt: Also, we realized we've been pretty rotten to you, and we want to make it right.
Geoff: A Penn college course guide?
Andy: We know how much you loved auditing that class. You should do more of it.
Barry: Yeah. You've always been there to support us. Now it's time for us to support you for a change.
Geoff: Guys, thanks. This is amazing.
Erica: No, Geoff. You're amazing.

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