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Quote from Beverly in Geoff the Pleaser

Beverly: Adam and Chad Throw Pies at the Garage, directed by Adam F. Goldberg! [laughs] Get on up here, Adam! It's a sweep!
Adam: Ah, fine. Thank you for recognizing a video I made to kill three hours over Labor Day weekend.
Beverly: Is there anyone you'd like to thank?
Adam: Uh... Thank you to Mrs. Kremp for letting us throw pies at her garage.
Beverly: And?
Adam: Thank you to my father for buying me blank tapes to film on.
Beverly: And? Anyone who inspired you?
Adam: All the other filmmakers who came before me.
Beverly: [chuckles] Surely, there is someone who always believed in you and gave you life.
Pops: Just say the words, Adam.
Adam: Fine. I'd also like to thank my mother.
Beverly: Oh! W-What? Oh, my God! That's my son! I made him, so I deserve this. Um, my heart is racing right now. I promised I wouldn't cry, but, uh... You like me! You really like me!

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