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Quote from Murray in Geoff the Pleaser

Adult Adam: [v.o.] After realizing he was too much of a pleaser, Geoff sought help from the one person who never pleased anyone at all.
Murray: Why are you in front of the TV, Schwartz? It's a quarter to Remington Steele.
Geoff: Mr. G, I-I'm worried I'm a pleaser.
Murray: Well, you're not pleasing me right now.
Geoff: Everyone always wants me to do stuff for them, and I don't know how to say no. Y- You never do anything for anyone.
Murray: It's easy. Lump.
Geoff: As in just sit there and never move?
Murray: Definitely. But also L-U-M-P. It's my secret for not doing anything for anyone.
Geoff: You're a lazy monster, and that's what I need. Please, let me learn at your idle feet.

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