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Quote from Adam in Pickleball

Adult Adam: [v.o.] Sometimes, if you're lucky enough, life gives you a second chance. It might not happen the way you thought it would, but often, you'll find the biggest wins are off the court. Turns out, no matter how you count the years, time keeps moving. And sure, it's easy to fear getting older, but the truth is, if you're busy worrying about the past, you might not notice that the present moments are often the perfect ones. And in the end, those are the ones you'll remember forever.
Pop-Pop: Here. I, uh, got ya something. Don't make a big deal. Now you can listen to all your ball games or whatever.
Murray: I love it!
Pop-Pop: Yeah, well, anyway, uh... Happy birthday.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] So, that's the story of the second time my dad turned 50 and how he always said it was one of the best nights of his life.

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