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Quote from Beverly in Pickleball

Erica: You know what, Mom? This is crazy, and not in your usual clinical way.
Beverly: Aww.
Erica: Honestly, Dad is gonna love this.
Beverly: Well, after I asked you fools what Murray would like, I realized nobody knows that man better than me, his perfect wife with the beautiful hair and skin.
Erica: Oh, Dad's walking up the driveway.
Beverly: Oh. Uh, okay. Everybody, shut up! Shut up. Shut your faces. Even you, Phillie Phanatic.
Vic: Beverly, I don't think he has a working mouth.
All: Surprise!
Adult Adam: [v.o.] In that moment, my Dad took in everything my mom did to make his birthday redo perfect, and all he did was this. [Murray walks upstairs] [xylophone chimes]
Beverly: Why, Chime Guy?

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