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Quote from Beverly in Pickleball

Beverly: Behold.
Vic: Holy moly. Is that the guy from Channel Five who hits the chime when he does the weather? [xylophone chimes] I'd recognize that simple chime anywhere.
Beverly: Tonight's forecast... 100% chance of Murray's tears of joy.
Virginia: Oh, my. What's happening here?
Beverly: Oh, tonight, it's the dining and reclining room.
Vic: Whoa, pretzel-y milk and lumbar support.
Erica: But wait. There's more. Please welcome Lee of Lee's Hoagies.
Beverly: And for our final special guest of the night, someone my husband has admired for years, the Phillie Phanatic! [party horn honking] [guests cheer]
Vic: Oh! [laughs] The San Diego Chicken's mortal enemy. You've done it again, Beverly.

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