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Quote from Erica in Angst-Giving

Erica: We're never getting home.
Marvin: Oh, yes, you are.
Erica: Marvin, please don't make things any worse...
Marvin: [shushing] I know that I blew it before, and the time before that, and like a million times before that, but all that's gonna change now.
Barry: Did you steal another Chevette?
Marvin: 'Vette. And, no. But I do have a great idea to get you guys home. Because what's even worse than making you miss Thanksgiving is knowing that I'm the dumbass responsible.
Barry: What are you saying?
Marvin: Just trust me one last time, and I promise that "pulling a Marvin," it's gonna mean something good.
Erica: Okay. Let's see what you got.

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