Carlton Quote #106

Quote from Carlton in Guess Who's Coming to Marry?

Carlton: Well, I'm definitely getting married, and I want my wife to be a virgin.
Will: Well, you better hurry up, man. Mother Teresa ain't getting no younger.
Carlton: My wife: the limber, but unspoiled Bridgetta. She'll be an excellent homemaker and have the breasts the size of Australia.
Will: I don't know, man. I just can't imagine waking up to the same woman every day for the rest of my life... no matter how big Australia is.
Carlton: Come on, Will, you really don't want to get married?
Will: I don't know, man. Maybe one day. You know, when I'm old and gray. You know, around 29, 30 years old.
Carlton: Heck, by then young Carlton will be interviewing for preschool and Carltonette will be a little croissant in the oven.
Will: That's good. Then they'll be able to baby-sit little Will, Wilma, Williamina, Wilton, and Baby Willy.


 ‘Guess Who's Coming to Marry?’ Quotes

Quote from Carlton

Carlton: Will, what are you doing in that tux?
Will: I'm going to the... um, the thing. Hey, man, I can say it to you. I'm going to the wedding, man.
Carlton: Great. Then you'll get to see my surprise. Since Aunt Janice is of the Negroid persuasion and Frank is of the Caucasoid persuasion, I've compiled a special medley of songs. Give a listen. [sings] Ebony and Ivory Live together in perfect harmony Because the world is black The world is white It turns by day And then by night Since she's got jungle fever He's got jungle fever They've got jungle fever We're in love. [talks] So what do you think?
Will: I think you were deprived of oxygen at birth.

Quote from Aunt Helen

Vivian: What are you doing down here in the dark?
Aunt Helen: Well, I couldn't find the lights in this bowling alley you call a kitchen.
Vivian: Well, I couldn't sleep, either. I hope this wedding doesn't turn into a disaster.
Aunt Helen: Now, look I don't care if Frank is Black, White, or candy-apple red. I've been on Slim-Fast for the last two weeks to fit into my dress. Now somebody's gonna marry somebody up in here. The hell with it. Start slicing up that ham.

Quote from Aunt Helen

Aunt Helen: Oh, my! Is this the Banks' house or Buckingham Palace? Hey, big sister Vy. You got a boyfriend yet? Now ain't no point in saving nothing these days. You hear what I'm saying?
Vivian: The whole neighborhood hears what you saying.
Philip: Helen, I see you still haven't come out of your shell.
Aunt Helen: Vivian, girl, you look good. And you've lost weight in all the right places. Philip, you look good. And you look good.