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Quote from Carlton in Guess Who's Coming to Marry?

Carlton: Well, I'm definitely getting married, and I want my wife to be a virgin.
Will: Well, you better hurry up, man. Mother Teresa ain't getting no younger.
Carlton: My wife: the limber, but unspoiled Bridgetta. She'll be an excellent homemaker and have the breasts the size of Australia.
Will: I don't know, man. I just can't imagine waking up to the same woman every day for the rest of my life... no matter how big Australia is.
Carlton: Come on, Will, you really don't want to get married?
Will: I don't know, man. Maybe one day. You know, when I'm old and gray. You know, around 29, 30 years old.
Carlton: Heck, by then young Carlton will be interviewing for preschool and Carltonette will be a little croissant in the oven.
Will: That's good. Then they'll be able to baby-sit little Will, Wilma, Williamina, Wilton, and Baby Willy.

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