Will Quote #1399

Quote from Will in It's a Wonderful Lie

Ashley: If it wasn't for you, Daddy would never have found out about that party.
Will: Look, Ashley, that still doesn't mean that you should have been there. Ashley, listen, college boys are like predators. You know, they prey on innocent little high school girls like you. They're like piranha, Ashley. And you're 110 pounds of teenage chum.
Ashley: A hundred and eight and I'm not as innocent as I look. All right, I am.
Will: Well, you ready to walk that last mile?
Ashley: Will, I didn't do anything.
Will: The Lord is my shepherd...


 ‘It's a Wonderful Lie’ Quotes

Quote from Will

Will: I ain't playing with you, come on.
Ashley: Will, you have no right to drag me home, I am not a child.
Will: Oh, you're just a grown woman now, huh?
Ashley: Listen, Will, I didn't do what you think I did.
Will: Look, I don't even wanna think about what you think I think you did.

Quote from Philip

Philip: Look now, I could ground you forever. I could put bars on your windows, I could put locks on your doors.
Ashley: Daddy-
Philip: Don't "daddy" me. Do you have any idea what you put this family through? Running around doing God knows what with God knows who.
Ashley: If I would have asked you, you wouldn't have let me go.
Philip: You're darn right. You're 15 years old. You have no business at a party with college boys!
Ashley: All my friends were there.
Philip: Your friends don't live here! I can't do this. You talk to your daughter. I'm done. [exits]
Ashley: You guys hate me.
Vivian: Ashley, if that were true, we wouldn't care when you did something foolish like this.
Philip: [returns] What you have to understand is that we know what's best for you. It may not seem like that now, but one day you'll understand that. End of discussion. [exits]
Ashley: Mom, don't you understand?
Vivian: Yes, I understand. I understand you lied and you ran away.
Philip: [returns through another door] And another thing as long as you live in this house, you will follow our rules. That's it! [goes upstairs]
Ashley: Mom.
[Vivian raises her hand as she waits for Uncle Phil to slam the door]

Quote from Philip

Vivian: Are you okay?
Ashley: Yeah, I'm all right.
Will: Now, we've got a bit of a volatile situation here. A powder keg if you will. A mishandling of this situation could have repercussions that will reverberate forever.
Philip: Vivian, call your sister and tell her she's about to lose her only child.
Will: I'm gonna call her and tell her myself.