Will Quote #403

Quote from Will in Hi-Ho Silver

Carlton: Will, use a fork.
Will: Come on, man, I ain't using this wimpy fork.
Carlton: This is not a wimpy fork. This is a hand-engraved silver dessert. Jumping Jehosaphat!
Will: All right, man. All right, I'll use the fork.
Carlton: Will, I'm telling you, this is Mom's. Ms. Lamor must have taken it. Quick! Dial 911!
Will: Whoa! Hold it. Come on, man, look, you don't want to send her to jail. Remember what happened to her in Hussy Behind Bars?
Carlton: We must confront her.
Will: Wait. Come on, man. What, are you tripping? You gonna jeopardize Uncle Phil's chances of getting a book contract.
Carlton: And what do you suggest we do?
Will: I say we do what's fair and just for both parties. Steal it back and run like hell.


 ‘Hi-Ho Silver’ Quotes

Quote from Will

Philip: The silver's obviously not in the house. It must have been stolen.
Vivian: Oh, I would hate to think that a neighbor took it.
Will: We need that little White lady from Murder, She Wrote.
Vivian: Boys, we'll keep looking, but go ahead and drop this cake off at Sonya's.
Will: All right. And if you all happen to be digging around under my bed those videotapes are for my report on Clarence Thomas.

Quote from Carlton

Carlton: This is all your fault!
Will: What? My fault? You're the one that said it was Aunt Viv's silverware.
Carlton: Since when do you listen to me?
Will: Let's just stop arguing, man. Let's think of a plan.
Carlton: We'll get caught. We'll go to jail. Kid 'N Play will portray us in a movie.

Quote from Philip

Philip: Oh, that diet and exercise regimen your mother put me on has really changed my life. I never felt better. It's so nice having her home all the time. She wakes up cheerful in the morning, leaves little love notes in my briefcase, calls me up at work just to chat. That woman must be stopped.