Geoffrey Quote #52

Quote from Geoffrey in Nice Lady

Lord Fowler: So, what's all the fuss about? Will made it up to the third act, which is more than I could've done. An evening of opera. I can't imagine anything more boring.
Vivian: I can.
Lord Fowler: Geoffrey, I'm surprised at you, getting all hot and bothered just because the boy ducked out of it early. It's nothing compared with your old exploits.
Geoffrey: There's no need to go into that, milord.
Lord Fowler: I seem to recall a time that you were caught in the gazebo after that randy game of strip croquet. But I've told enough stories for one evening.
Philip: No, no, I want to hear this one.
Lord Fowler: No, no. It's late. Perhaps next visit.
Vivian: No. Now. We've earned it.
Lord Fowler: No, I'm sorry. You know, that's the mark of a great storyteller. Always leave them wanting more.


 ‘Nice Lady’ Quotes

Quote from Geoffrey

Geoffrey: Milord, I'm afraid I have some bad news. My cousin Roddy has just been suddenly struck with malaria. I must go to quarantine immediately.

Quote from Hilary

Hilary: Lady Penelope. Wow, it must be great being a Lady. I mean, spending all your time shopping, going to lunch with your friends and just sitting around being waited on hand and foot. I wonder what that would be like.
Geoffrey: [pouring Hilary's tea] One can only imagine.

Quote from Geoffrey

Will: G, we better keep looking.
Geoffrey: Nonsense. The man's a liar. Tell us what you've done with Lady Penelope or I shall be forced to thrash you.
Will: Don't press him, G. You saw what he did to Tokyo.
Geoffrey: Don't worry, Master William. In my youth, I was quite a Greco-Roman wrestler.