Hilary Quote #51

Quote from Hilary in Knowledge Is Power

Hilary: Carlton, I'm living a nightmare.
Carlton: Hilary, I'd love to talk to you but I'm staring down the barrel of an all-nighter.
Hilary: Please, Carlton, I need help! I'm coming to you because I know how much you don't like Will.
Carlton: Will Smith is a fine young man.
Hilary: Oh, come off it, Carlton. You're talking to me now. We've let Will wreak havoc in our lives for too long. And now it's time to band against him as brother and sister.
Carlton: What have you got in mind?
Hilary: That's what I need you for. I don't have any plans, I just want to punish him. I'm very vindictive, I'm just not imaginative.


 ‘Knowledge Is Power’ Quotes

Quote from Hilary

Vivian: Anyway, as I was saying- [Phil takes another sip]
Hilary: Will Smith is the king of the universe.
Will: Why, thank you.
Vivian: I'd like to finish my story, if that's okay with you, Hilary. [Hilary barks]
Philip: Hilary? [Hilary barks]
Vivian: Look, I know everyone gets a little silly around midterms but not at the dinner table.
Hilary: I'm sorry, Mom. [Carlton taps his glass] Will Smith is the scum of the earth.
Vivian: Hilary!
Hilary: [barks] [Phil takes a drink] However, Will Smith is the pinnacle of manliness. [Carlton clears his throat; Hilary slaps Will upside the head]
Will: Hilary! [Hilary barks; slaps Will again]
Ashley: What's with Hilary? [Hilary barks] [Carlton clears his throat] [Hilary slaps Will again]
Will: Hilary.
Hilary: [barks] [Carlton clears his throat] [slaps Will again]

Quote from Hilary

Philip: So, Vivian, how were your classes today?
Vivian: Fine. I just wish my students would concentrate more on their work. They're very easily distracted.
Will: I see it every day. Don't you, Hilary?
Hilary: [barks quietly]
Vivian: Did you say something, sweetie?
Hilary: No. [Phil takes a sip of his drink] Will Smith is perfect.
Will: Why, thank you. It's so nice to be appreciated.
Philip: Yes, but perhaps another time. Your mother is trying to say something and I'm sure she would appreciate it if she weren't interrupted again.
Hilary: Sorry.

Quote from Geoffrey

Will: Yo, G, that was hilarious. Put a Barney Rubble head on, I'd swear it was Flintstones On Ice.
Geoffrey: I'm pleased that I've amused you, Master William. It is the least I can do, given the hours of merriment I have derived from looking at the remarkable way your ears protrude from your head.
Will: [laughs] BWA: Butler With an Attitude.