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Quote from Will in The Cold War

Carlton: Okay, Will, I'm on to you.
Will: Hey, look, Carlton, man, I have no idea what you're talking about.
Carlton: I'm not stupid, Will. It's all coming together. The runny nose, the watery eyes. You just couldn't keep your hands to yourself.
Will: Look, Carlton, now I know you're sick. You're probably a little delirious. You probably had one too many of them children's aspirins or something, man.
Carlton: That piece was mine.
Will: You ain't got to get all nasty.
Carlton: Well, you shouldn't have done it, Will.
Will: I know, Carlton. I'm sorry, man. I shouldn't have taken Paula out. You're right, man, but she was coming on to me. I couldn't resist, man.
Carlton: Paula? I was talking about that last piece of cheesecake.
Will: Yeah, so was I. So was I. No, see, you don't know about it. See, you ain't hip to it, right? In Philly, we name our food, right? See, like cheesecake is Paula, right? And a Snack Pack is Boomshika. [to camera] I can't see him. You can. Is he buying it?

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