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Quote from Will in Be My Baby Tonight

Ashley: Look, if Mom and Dad knew about all these weird feelings I'm starting to have, they'd freak. Promise not to tell them?
Will: All right, all right. But I want you to stop having these feelings. You don't want to be that kind of girl.
Ashley: You mean the kind you like?
Will: What is this? The Spanish Inquisition?
Ashley: Look, Will, when a girl doesn't fool around you never call her back.
Will: There's a reason for that, Ashley. Not one I'm proud of, but there's a reason for that.
Ashley: It's 'cause there's nothing to remember. Now, how come it's okay for you and not for me?
Will: Look, it's just... Look, well... Look, I can't answer all these questions, Ashley.
Ashley: And I thought you were the one person who would understand.
Will: I do understand, Ashley. You know, it's just that... I just need a little time to get prepared, all right?
Ashley: But I thought you knew everything about sex.
Will: Yeah, well. Look, I just, you know... I just want to make sure there haven't been any new developments, you know in the last day or so.

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