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Quote from Philip in Courting Disaster

Philip: When you stole the ball from Will and tried to make that Hail Mary shot what were you thinking about?
Carlton: I don't know.
Philip: Really?
Carlton: Well, I guess I was just thinking of the first game Will won and how you ran out on the court and you were so proud of him. I guess I thought it would be cool if it happened to me.
Philip: Carlton, you don't have to be a hero. I'm proud that you're out there giving it all you got.
Carlton: You started coming to games when Will joined the team.
Philip: I wanted to support him.
Carlton: But you wouldn't come when it was just me.
Philip: Carlton, I'd like to come to everything you do. I always come to your tennis games, to your debate matches, to your glee club concerts. Frankly, keeping up with your extracurricular activities is a 24-hour-a-day job.
Carlton: Did I mention I was elected editor of the yearbook?
Philip: I didn't mean to slight you. But I can't slight Will, either. His mother is 3,000 miles away. He needs a cheering section as much as you do. Maybe more. I'm gonna head up. Good night, son.

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