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Quote from Hilary in Stop Will! In The Name of Love

Duane: You're not the only person who had things to do. I was supposed to go out clubbing with the Maytag repairman. He don't get out much, you know. That a smile? Was that a smile that I just saw? Oh, it looks really nice on you too. You know what? As long as neither of us are doing anything why don't we not do it together?
Hilary: Oh, well, that's very sweet, but how can I put this nicely? I'm too good for you.
Duane: I usually don't say this to a woman, but you know what? You're probably right. Happy Valentine's Day, pretty lady.
[Hilary gets up, runs over to the microwave and pulls the front door off]
Hilary: Duane? Do you fix microwaves?

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