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Quote from Will in Where There's a Will, There's a Way (Part 2)

Jazz: Guess y'all need to be alone right now.
Will: Yeah, so do you, Jazz. I'll meet you back at the palace later.
Jazz: Oh, yeah, I forgot. There's a hostage situation back at my building. SWAT team said it'd be a week before we could get back in. [exits]
Will: Jazz? Forgive me for what I'm about to do. Hilary, can I have a word with you? Look, you know, I think you got the right idea not going back to, you know, work so soon. You're just lucky that there's nothing around here that reminds you of Trevor. Of course, there is the pool house. Never mind, forget about that, though. Then, on the other hand that is where you and he shared countless romantic evenings. I bet if those walls could talk they'd whisper: "Trevor." "Trevor."

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