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Quote from Will in A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum

Danny: Will, there's a bottle of Dom Perignon over in the bar over there. Get it.
Will: I don't think so, Danny. You seem like you might be kind of a mean drunk.
Danny: I don't want to drink it. I want you to smack me over the head with it!
Will: What?
Danny: Just until I pass out. This baby's on its way, and I think it's bringing luggage.
Will: It can't be on its way now. You've only been in labor for 10 minutes.
Danny: Oh, tell him. He's coming!
Danny: Get out of my way.
Will: Wait, Danny, where are you going?
Danny: If I run really fast I can get back to the Forum and have my baby on the floor of a ladies' room with some dignity.

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