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Quote from Carlton in There's the Rub (Part 1)

Steve: Hey, uh, I didn't get you in trouble with the old man, did I?
Carlton: Move it along, rat boy.
Steve: And I didn't mean anything by the short crack.
Carlton: Isn't there a vending machine you should be kicking over or some other havoc you should be wreaking?
Steve: Oh, I see. Just because I'm in a place like this, I should be committing crimes? What kind of a narrow-minded elitist view of the world do you have? I mean, you come down here once a year, give a guy a couple slices of turkey and all of a sudden you think you're better than he is?
Carlton: I didn't mean anything by it.
Steve: [laughs] I had you going. You're a gullible little fellow, aren't you?

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