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Quote from Will in The Script Formerly Known As...

Will: All right, George, why don't you just relax, cool out a little bit? Hilary will be out soon. How you feeling? You a little nervous?
George: Why should I be nervous? I'm all liquored up. [laughs]
Will: [belatedly laughs] You are hilarious, man. Hey, have a seat. Have a seat. Listen, I just wanna let you that, you know any point during the show you feel like you might wanna, I don't know, toss my name in, "Will Smith," you know, it's cool.
George: Okay.
Werner: Ready, George?
George: Of course, I'm ready. I've been waiting around for an hour. Where's my money?
Will: Hey, look. All right. I'm gonna be right over here. Remember, Will Smith. Will Smith.

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