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Quote from Will in The Wedding Show (Psyche!)

Will: Um... "From the first time I saw you, I knew that I wanted to be with you always. I knew that I wanted to hold you and love you..."
Backing singers: Smith Will Smith, yeah
Will: Right on. All right. Um...
Backing singers: They say this cat Smith Is a bad mother-
Will: Shut your mouth.
Minister: Well, they talking about you.
Will: Can I do this, please? Um, where was I? "Lisa..."
Minister: You're a complicated man There's no one who understands you But your woman
Backing singers: Will Smith
Will: [sighs] Look, Lisa, what I'm trying to say is.... [singers whooping] All right, that's enough! [Will whooping] That's it. Look, Lisa, baby, I'm telling you I want to marry you, but definitely not like this.
Lisa: Right on, Will.
Will: Oh, by the way, dude, your Isaac Hayes impression stinks.
Minister: I don't know, I thought it was pretty good.

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