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Quote from Will in Will Goes a Courtin

Philip: Will, I am going back in the house, and when I come out I want all of these people gone.
Will: Well, they will be if you come out in the morning, Uncle Phil.
Philip: [chuckles] Wait, wait. Let me get this straight, young man. You are telling me what will or will not happen in my own house?
Will: Excuse me, but this is my house. I pay rent here too, eventually.
Philip: You watch how you talk to me.
Will: Well, then, Uncle Phil, stop treating me like a child.
Philip: Oh. Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was talking to a man.
Will: That's right. It's me, Will Smith.
Philip: Oh, well.
Will: Man.
Philip: I guess you're ready to play a man's game, huh? All right, Will, if that's the way you want it.
Will: Don't come back, neither.

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