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Quote from Will in Father of the Year

Candace: Listen, I got a class now. Could you meet me here tomorrow morning, say, around 9:00?
Will: Yeah, sure.
Candace: Cool. Because I'd love to see that baby again.
Will: I think he has plans.
Candace: Oh, well, that's too bad because I was thinking maybe the three of us could do something really special together. And then while he's taking his little nappy, who knows?
Will: Well, he just a baby. How important could his plans be?
Candace: You're so cute.
Will: I know, I know, ain't I?
Candace: Okay, so I'll meet you here at 9:00 and you won't be sorry.
Will: Oh, I know I won't be sorry because I got me a woman! All I need is me a baby.

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