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Quote from Hilary in Hilary Gets a Job

Hilary: Why aren't you in bed?
Will: Uncle Phil saw the news and he threatened to kill me in my sleep.
Hilary: That's nice.
Will: With a big butcher knife.
Hilary: Hmm, good for you.
Will: Hilary, your hair's on fire.
Hilary: Thanks. You know, Will, life doesn't get any better than this. I mean, I have a great job, I met a great guy and I have the thinnest ankles of any girl I know.
Will: So, you mean you're not mad at me for messing up your first day?
Hilary: Of course not. I mean, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have got the job in the first place.
Will: Thanks a lot, Hil. I'm proud of you.
Hilary: You know, I'm kind of proud of myself. For the first time I feel like I know what it means to be an independent woman. I think I'm gonna go back to my little pool house and toast myself with a glass of champagne.
Will: Good night, Hil.
Hilary: Good night, Will.
Will: Good night, Trevor.
Trevor: [o.s.] Good night and Godspeed.

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