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Quote from Will in The Aunt Who Came to Dinner

Will: Oh, man. How you trying to play my aunt, man? Oh, that's it. I'm feeling froggy. I'm about to leap. Hey, but, hold up. Would you really prefer a man?
Lester: Wait a minute, Will.
Will: Back up, man.
Lester: You think...? Wait. Anita's my psychiatrist, Will.
Will: Oh, yeah, right. And I just won a Grammy.
Will: Come on. Come on, man to man, toe to toe, come on.
Lester: Will, I understand your anger and if you want to take out your passive-aggressive feelings towards your absent father on me then go ahead.
Will: Man, you really must be seeing a shrink. Hey, what does it mean when you dream that you're flying through a tunnel on a Scud missile?

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