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Quote from Philip in Something for Nothing

Will: Okay, I just don't understand why you're making such a big deal about this money. I mean, it ain't like I took the Benz drag racing down Sunset at 4:00 in the morning.
Carlton: Tattletale.
Philip: Will, I'm making a big deal because every year the club picks a charity and donates that money to that charity.
Will: But, Uncle Phil, look, if it's supposed to be my money how come I can't do what I wanna do with it? And I don't wanna donate it to the L.A.P.C.
Philip: Will, donating that money is a tradition and a tradition isn't something to be thrown away on a whim.
Will: Whoa, hold up. You calling a red leather suit with matching seat covers a whim?
Philip: Will, you're being awfully selfish. Obviously, you haven't learned a thing since you've been here. We've all been blessed. And donating to someone less fortunate than yourself is not an option, it's a responsibility.
Will: I hear what you're saying, Uncle Phil, you're right.
Philip: Keeping money that isn't yours is wrong. Very, very wrong.
Ashley: I know. I know.

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