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Quote from Will in Cased Up

Will: Damn, Eric. Didn't you see me backing out the driveway?
Eric: Oh, I don't believe this. Your piece of junk just backed into the custom fender of a $35,000 automobile, pal. You're gonna have to turn in a lot of soda cans to pay for that.
Jazz: Hey, I got a whole living room full of soda cans.
Will: Oh, man, I don't believe this. Lookit, man, this thing used to say "cold chilling." Now it says "old chili."
Eric: Look, what's the name of your insurance company?
Will: Yo' fault. Look, I don't have none and I don't need none 'cause it's your fault.
Eric: Hilary, can I use your phone, please?
Hilary: Yeah, go ahead.
Will: It better be a local call, too.

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