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Quote from Will in The Fresh Prince Project

Will: Hey, could you do me a favor?
Ashley: Sure.
Will: I seem to be missing a Walkman. So if it shows up anywhere, like, I don't know, on your head, maybe maybe you could get that to me.
Ashley: Sorry. Dad won't let me get one.
Will: How come?
Ashley: He says he wants to hear everything I'm listening to. You know, to make sure it's not bad.
Will: Well, what record does he think is good?
Ashley: He really, really likes the Care Bears.
Will: Look, Ash, from time to time, your father's gonna say or do things that may seem irrational or hard for you to understand. You know, it's not because he's mean, or a bad guy, or that he doesn't care about you. It's that he's from Mars, Ashley.

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