Leo Quote #66

Quote from Leo in Down the Road Apiece

Eric: I can't believe I'm stuck in a backwoods truck stop with no money. You know, if we don't do something this waitress is just gonna hand us over to these truckers. You know, they're all freaky, sexual deviants. Man, woman, animal, they don't care as long as it's warm.
Leo: Don't worry, man, I've got an idea how we can pay for this dinner.
[circle in the diner's stock room:]
Leo: That was a good idea. Now, how are we gonna pay for dinner?
Waitress: I think this pretty much covers your tab. But if you're interested, dessert's on me.
Leo: In that case, you'd better soak your uniform in club soda.
Eric: You see? What an awesome night. I am partying in the back of a truck stop with a hippie and a waitress, who are now making out. Wow, the fact that I'm here is not slowing them down at all. Good God, woman, you buttered my toast with that hand.


 ‘Down the Road Apiece’ Quotes

Quote from Leo

Eric: So, Leo, what have you been doing since you left town?
Leo: Uh, just wandering around trying to find my place in life.
Eric: Yeah, I've been trying to find my place in life, too. It's like... You know, like, where do I fit in?
Leo: No, I've been looking for my house, man.

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: Okay, I think it's obvious what happened to Eric. We got an abandoned car, a flat tire and footprints heading off in that direction. Ms. Forman, your son's been kidnapped by coyotes.
Red: Isn't it more likely that he had a flat tire, couldn't change it himself and went off to find some help?
Kelso: And the coyotes got him along the way. Yeah, now you're thinking like a cop.

Quote from Red

Red: I told him this was a stupid idea, and now we're stuck out here in the middle of nowhere. My foot is shaking, it wants to kick his ass so bad.