Jackie Quote #106

Quote from Jackie in The First Time

Kelso: Boy, this wedding's gonna be pretty lame without a trampoline, huh?
Jackie: Whatever.
Kelso: All right, Jackie. If you're mad at me, well, then use your mad voice. And if you're not, well, then, lady, you better start chewing my ear off like usual.
Jackie: Look, Michael, I'm not mad, okay?
Kelso: Ah, could you be any more annoying?
Jackie: Yes!


 ‘The First Time’ Quotes

Quote from Leo

Leo: Hey, I'm Leo, and I'm also a Leo. Think about it.

Quote from Donna

Eric: Okay. Donna, wait.
Donna: What?
Eric: Well, first you drag me away from the wedding, and then you kiss me all the way over here, and then you pull me upstairs and shove me into my bedroom and put your hands all over my body. I just... I'm sorry. I'm confused.
Donna: Huh. If only there were a way to make my feelings clear with some sort of action. [turns lights off]
Eric: Yeah. Ha. Okay. [turns lights back on] That's, uh, ahem, ha-ha, extremely funny. But, uh, every, every time this starts happening, it winds up not happening. And then you skip home... Tra-la-la-la-la.
Donna: [laughs] I know. I know, and I'm sorry. It's just, you know, before now, I wasn't ready.
Eric: Yeah, and I understand that, Donna. It's just that... wait! Wait! Go back!
Donna: I wasn't ready before now.
Eric: Before now, like... Right now?
Donna: Eric, when I had to write those vows, I had to think about love. When I thought about love, I thought about you. I love you, Eric, and I want to be with you.
Eric: God, Donna, I... Love you. Are you... Sure, sure?
Donna: Yes, yes.

Quote from Jackie

Kelso: Jackie, this is for you.
Jackie: Oh, my God. Pink and purple with a unicorn. You remembered!
Kelso: Of course I remember. I remember everything you tell me, even when you think I don't.
Jackie: Really? What's my favorite season?
Kelso: Fall?
Jackie: Why?
Kelso: Uh, the outfits flatter your chestnut eyes.
Jackie: And?
Kelso: Slimming lines and dark colors.
Jackie: Oh, my God, Michael! When you started acting like an immature jerk, I started having doubts about us, but now this purple and pink unicorn candy dish proves you're a grown-up. Oh!