Hyde Quote #487

Quote from Hyde in I Can See for Miles

Red: Anyway, it doesn't matter because I'm keeping the shoes. A good shoe is a good shoe, no matter where it comes from. Oh, it's like I'm walking on a pile of baby ducks.
Kitty: Well, hello there, Senor Fancy Sheets. I love the way Jackie decorated your room. It's all glittery like... Like an Italian person lives there.
Red: You let your girlfriend decorate your room? She also buy you a new dress?
Hyde: Yeah, I guess I have a lot to answer for. Then again, I never accepted a pair of shoes from another man.
Red: I knew it was a weird gift. Kitty said it wasn't.
Kitty: They're nice. Steven, tell him they're nice.
Hyde: No, I can't do it. Although, you know what? Maybe she's right. Maybe you should keep the shoes and get Bob a present in return. Like a necklace. Or some sexy lingerie.


 ‘I Can See for Miles’ Quotes

Quote from Red

Kelso: You know, I'm gonna take Red's car. I know he's got to hide a key in there somewhere.
Red: Are you brain-damaged?
Kelso: Fez, did you just say, "Are you brain-damaged?" and sound exactly like Red?
Fez: Kelso, you know I only do Johnny Carson and Pepe Le Pew.
Red: Get away from my car.
Kelso: Your car, my car. Aren't we all just driving the same car? It's a car called "life."
Red: How about I drive my foot into this thing called your ass?
Kelso: A simple "no" would suffice.

Quote from Red

Red: I'm throwing them away, Bob. Look, I appreciate the thought. No, well, that's not true. I mean, shoes are a weird gift to give another man. I mean, what's next? A weekend in Cancun?
Bob: Okay, fine. I bought the shoes for myself, but they pinch my toes, so I decided to pawn them off on you as a gift.
Red: You were just trying to screw me over? Well, I can respect that. Thanks for the shoes, Bob. [shakes Bob's hand] See, I have a friend.
Kitty: No, no. This is not the way friends act. He was gonna throw away your present, Bob.
Bob: Come on, Kitty. I gave him shoes. That's weird. I'm surprised you didn't punch me in the face right then.
Red: I almost did. [both laugh]

Quote from Red

Red: Shoes are an inappropriate gift to give another man.
Kitty: Well, what about when you joined the service? Another man issued you your boots.
Red: But then he gave me a gun, so I let it go.
Kitty: Well, why don't you just accept the shoes because Bob is your friend?
Red: You don't understand how men work. We don't give each other presents. We pretty much ignore each other until someone scores a touchdown.
Kitty: You should listen to me. I know how to be a friend, and you obviously don't, since you don't have any.
Red: I have plenty of friends. Charlie's a friend. He saved my life during the war.
Kitty: And when is the last time you talked to Charlie?
Red: We said all we needed to say on the boat back home.