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Quote from Hyde in I Can See for Miles

Red: Anyway, it doesn't matter because I'm keeping the shoes. A good shoe is a good shoe, no matter where it comes from. Oh, it's like I'm walking on a pile of baby ducks.
Kitty: Well, hello there, Senor Fancy Sheets. I love the way Jackie decorated your room. It's all glittery like... Like an Italian person lives there.
Red: You let your girlfriend decorate your room? She also buy you a new dress?
Hyde: Yeah, I guess I have a lot to answer for. Then again, I never accepted a pair of shoes from another man.
Red: I knew it was a weird gift. Kitty said it wasn't.
Kitty: They're nice. Steven, tell him they're nice.
Hyde: No, I can't do it. Although, you know what? Maybe she's right. Maybe you should keep the shoes and get Bob a present in return. Like a necklace. Or some sexy lingerie.

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