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Quote from Kelso in The Acid Queen

Brooke: Look, I know why you're here and I'm sorry, you're not my type. I was high school valedictorian and you're the antithesis of that.
Kelso: The anti-who of what?
Brooke: Exactly.
Kelso: Okay. No, come on. Don't be like that, okay? Look, I really like you, and I just thought that maybe we could go out some time, like, for coffee. And then, if that went good, then we could go to a movie. And then, when we really start to trust each other, you can tell my friends how we did it at the Molly Hatchet concert.
Brooke: Look, I don't make it with guys at concerts. I read two periodicals a week about the Dewey Decimal system, which I'm sure you've never heard of.
Kelso: Okay, I have heard of Dewey Decimal. It's Donald Duck's nephew.

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