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Quote from Kelso in No Quarter

Kelso: Oh, Roy. Hey, how's it going with that hotel chick that was all over you, asking for butter?
Roy: Well, I had this idea to surprise her with flowers? But when I did, she started screaming and hitting me. And I guess the lesson is, don't hide in someone's shower.
Kelso: I don't know what's wrong with chicks, man. If I came home and some strange girl was in my shower, that would be the greatest day of my life.
Roy: Yeah. So, what are you doing?
Kelso: Oh, Hyde's making me do his laundry. Then after this, I gotta clean out the toilets and hand-test all the mousetraps. This probation period is killing me.
Roy: Did Hyde tell you there was a probation period? Aw, man! That guy really knows how to enjoy life.
Kelso: Wait. You mean, Hyde's just messing with me? I don't have to worry about getting fired?
Roy: If I didn't get fired for hiding in some woman's shower, I think your job's secure.

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