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Quote from Kelso in Hey, Hey, What Can I Do?

Fez: I cannot believe you hit a police car.
Kelso: Now, don't worry. It's a hot lady cop. [sighs] Just watch the master.
Officer Debbie: License and registration.
Kelso: Yeah. Just give me a sec here. [grunts] My wallet gets stuck, 'cause I've been working out. My leg muscles are huge. Oh, boy. By the way, I can bench about 220, so that'd be about two of you, little lady.
Officer Debbie: What's your name?
Fez: Oh, my name is Fez, but I have a girlfriend so you need to cool it, little girl.
Officer Debbie: Yeah. I'll try. Okay, Mr. Kelso. I'm gonna issue you a citation.
Kelso: Oh, a citation for being too foxy in a school zone?
Officer Debbie: No. A citation for $64. Bench-press that.

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