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Quote from Red in Whole Lotta Love

Kitty: Well, look who I found. Our son. Who we love very much.
Eric: Hey, Dad.
Red: Pass the peas, Steven.
Kitty: Red, your son spoke to you.
Red: I heard him. But you asked me not to yell at him, and I agreed. So I'm just taking your idea and refining it.
Eric: Oh, so you're giving me the silent treatment?
Red: So, Steven, how was school today?
Hyde: Um, well, in health class today, we learned that an early engagement's often a sign of heavy drug use.
Eric: Hyde.
Kitty: Red, you're being a big baby.
Eric: No, Mom, it's okay. Actually, it's a pleasant surprise, but let's see how serious he is about it. Hey, Dad, you know who's got the right idea? Russia. [Red puts his utensils down]
Hyde: I haven't felt this kind of tension in years. Reminds me of home. Except everyone's wearing a shirt.

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