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Quote from Kitty in When the Levee Breaks

Kitty: Eric and Donna can't be engaged. They're too young. How does something like this happen?
Jackie: Well, Eric asked her to marry him and instead of saying "Ew!," like a normal person Donna said "Yes."
Kitty: Well, I don't like secret-keeping in my house. What else is going on that I don't know about?
Hyde: Ooh. There is something else. In the back left corner of Forman's closet, he has stashed some highly offensive photographic material.
Kitty: Well, this has gotta stop. Eric should have told me about his engagement, because in this house we do not keep secrets.
Red: [enters] What are you talking about?
Kitty: Cheesecake. Different types of cheesecake.
Red: Oh. Sorry I missed it. [exits]
Kitty: Don't judge me.

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