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Quote from Jackie in Prank Day

Jackie: Hey, Donna? Wait. Where's Leo?
Donna: Oh, he left. He asked if he could try on my dad's clothes, and I said no, so he left.
Jackie: What? He left? That jerk. What a bad friend.
Donna: [chuckles] Jackie, you left too.
Jackie: [groans] I know, I know. Look, that's why I'm here. [sighs] I was at the mall signing autographs for a bunch of sixth graders. You know, "Go, Cowboys. Love, Jackie." And then I saw this little girl crying 'cause she couldn't find her mom and she reminded me of you, so I felt bad.
Donna: Jackie, that's so sweet. So what happened with the little girl? She find her mom?
Jackie: You know what, I don't know. I left her with the snow-cone guy. Yeah. She smelled like poo. Look, anyways, my point is you know, since you don't have your mom around anymore you need a girl in your life to look after you, and that's gonna be me.
Donna: [chuckles] Unless I smell like poo.
Jackie: Right.

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