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Quote from Kitty in Jackie's Cheese Squeeze

Kitty: Well, you missed a nice dinner. Joanne said the funniest thing. She said I was gonna end up a Corvette widow. [laughs] [Red laughs] Isn't that a kick?
Red: Oh, Kitty, I wouldn't leave you for the car. Who'd make dinner? [chuckles] Oh, no.
Kitty: I think it's the time to prove Joanne wrong. How are you gonna prove Joanne wrong? What surprising and thoughtful deed are you gonna do to prove Joanne wrong?
Red: I'm gonna prove Joanne wrong by taking you out... [Kitty nods] on a special date... [Kitty nods] soon. [Kitty looks away] Tomorrow.
Kitty: Good answer! [chuckles]

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