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Quote from Eric in Eric's Hot Cousin

Eric: So let's get to the bottom of this crush, huh?
Penny: You know what I'd really love to do? Stay up late and watch movies like we did when we were kids. Remember? All alone in the dark?
Eric: That's a good plan.
Penny: And let's wear our jammies.
Eric: Excellent addition to the plan.
Penny: Oh, but I usually just sleep in a T-shirt and panties. Is that okay?
Eric: Well... so do I. [laughs] Ur, I mean, you know, man-panties. Uh... Underwear. You know what I meant.
Penny: Great. The movie starts at 11:00. Don't be late.
Eric: Okay, I won't. [to himself] "Man-panties"?

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