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Quote from Red in Uncomfortable Ball Stuff

Red: What the hell is wrong with you?
Eric: Okay, you hurt my arm.
Red: She was a real looker. And for some reason she talked to you. Now go get her.
Eric: What? No. Dad, Donna's here.
Red: Well, Donna's off having fun while you're sitting here being a big lump.
Eric: Okay, first of all you are way too involved with my life, okay? And second of all, Donna's not having fun. She's in the bathroom. [Red points to Donna chatting with a group of guys] That's not the bathroom.
Red: Now, go talk to that girl before she comes to her senses and wants nothing to do with you. Oh, God. Your mother's doing shots with Gladys from Housewares. Kitty, put it down.

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