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Quote from Hyde in Dine and Dash

Hyde: Best thing about this joke, it just keeps going and going. [laughs] And not only did we break the law, we screwed our friends while breaking the law.
Kelso: How dumb was he to give me the car keys? I mean, who here trusts me?
Hyde: [o.s.] No way.
Jackie: [o.s.] Not me.
Kelso: Thank you.
Jackie: You know what? Stolen food just tastes better. Dinner roll?
Fez: Guys, I feel bad about Eric and Donna. Maybe we should figure out a way to help them.
Hyde: Sure, we could do that. Or... [chuckles] we could ask ourselves, "How can we make this worse?"
Waiters: [sing] Happy anniversary Happy anniversary Happyy anniversary Donna and Eric.
Waiter: With best wishes from Hyde, Kelso, Fez and Jackie.

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