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Quote from Red in Fez Gets the Girl

Eric: Dad. I've been thinkin' about why you went so crazy and yelled at me and I've come to the conclusion that you're crazy and you like to yell at me.
Red: There's somethiny you gotta know. You're- Well... You're an idiot.
Eric: Oh, great. A pep talk.
Red: Look, sit down. When I was your age, I thought I had it all too. Great job at the plant, nice steady paycheck. Just enough to, you know, string me along for 30 years or so. And for what? So they could toss me out on my ass when things got tough.
Eric: Dad, I'm not gonna-
Red: Look, don't get me wrong. I admire your work ethic. But you deserve better than PriceMart. You're a smart guy. And I'm, uh... I'm proud of you.
Eric: Whoa. Really? You- You think I'm smart? You're proud of me?
Red: Oh, geez. What, you gonna ruin this now by talking?
Eric: Listen, Dad. If I'm still workin' at PriceMart when I'm your- older, please kill me.
Red: You don't have to ask twice, son.

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